Tik tok, on the clock.

Hello people, long time no see! Where have you been?Β πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Jumping right into the article, does the title ring any bell? Eh, no?

Yarrr it’s the song full of beats we all used to listen to in high school. ‘Tick tock on the clock but the party don’t stop , oh no…’Β πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»

by the amazing Kesha! 😍

You might be thinking why I am writing a blog on a song that’s years old. Well, for the record, no I’m not doing it. Lol I was just writing an introductory paragraph for my article you know!πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚

Coming to the point, what exactly am I writing about and why this title? In case you missed it earlier, the title says Tik Tok, not Tick Tock. So you might have guessed by now what the blog is about. Yes! It’s about the app previously called ‘musically’ now turned into Tik Tok.

Whether you open your facebook , or instagram or youtube or even snapchat, all you are recommended are the vidoes of people lip syncing or dancing or singing or doing some weird so called Tik Tok challenges. Teenagers are going crazy by this app. Be in Asia or Europe, America or Middle East, Tik Tok is equally popular among the early age youth.

Acha tou, there are just TWO types of people when it comes to Tik Tok.



Trust me, when I say you either love it or hate it. There’s no in between. No grey zone. All black and white!

I just happen to be the latter one, the hater one πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ and to be honest, I believe I’m not the only one . The majority of Tik Tok users is actually teens between 13-19. We all have our own package of embarrassment from those years of our life. Like I am embarrassed of my older facebook posts or my instagram captions . I guess Tik Tok is today’s teenagers’ luggage of embarrassment which they’ll have to drag when they get a bit older. πŸ˜‚

And before the Tik Tok lovers start on me, yes, I know! There are some super amazing moves in some of these dance videos of Tik Tok where girls and guys flex their bodies in ways even my neck can’t *sed lyf*. Pr yaar seriously, it’s lame. It’s simply, plainly super lame. I’m not judging you but if you think doing this kind of stuff is cool, then we better stay away from each other you know. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ Like seriously, what is this?

Or this

Even children of 8-10 years are under the hype of this app. Just open youtube and give your phone or tablet to children and see how quickly they type ‘Tik Tok videos’Β in the search bar. I remember catching my little sister once trying to mimic this particular ‘dame tu cosita’Β Β Tik Tok dance challenge in which you’re supposed to follow the dance steps of a frog like alien creature. I was horrified! πŸ™ƒ Lol just kidding, it was funny. πŸ˜‚

On a side note though, I’d like to say to Tik Tok lovers kΒ bhaeee sb Tik Tok k khilaaf nahi hain, just look at the clip of this man who’s all ready to burn everything for the sake of Tik Tok. ❀️πŸ”₯

Funny how he doesn’t even know what Tik Tok is , still he’s so passionate about it. Well, what can we say? This is how we Pakistanis are! πŸ’« Always so damn passionate, ‘chahay pata saanu kuch na howay , bs aaag laa deni ay.’

Oh yes! How can I forget about how everything becomes so difficult when you have friend(s) who’re Tik Tok users. Like eating food, enjoying ceremonies and even casual hangouts become disastrous because they want to film everything and every single moment in Tik Tok as well now. As if instagram, snapchat and facebook stories were not enough, now they want to shoot their slow mo videos and other weird videos you know, to post later and spam our social media newsfeeds.

Concluding the blog so you do not get bored. After ranting so much about this app like how ‘waylon wala kaam’Β it is, here’s a confession I’ve got to make. Some Tik Tok videos are AMAZING like some people totally rock the whole concept of this app. I wonder if I’m low key jealous of those people that’s why I hate Tik Tok so much? πŸ€” Like you know how people say,

‘Angoor khattay hain’Β πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Lol once again I’m kidding. I’m not jealous but I seriously have some real issues with Tik Tok.πŸ˜• What do you guys think of Tik Tok? Let us know!


Naveera Fayyaz

MBBS Batch ’21

One thought on “Tik tok, on the clock.

  1. Tik Tock is good in a way it allows an easy way to put background music on videos but it becomes pretty embarrassing when people forget where to stop and what not to post.
    The article is amazing btw. Always a fan you “Awaami blogs.”


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